- Helps travelers sort flights by carbon emission estimates and browse hotels’ sustainability efforts in search results, verified by independent organizations like GreenKey and EarthCheck. Created the publicly accessible Travel Impact Model to establish a consistent methodology for estimating aviation emissions. Working with academics, nonprofits, and industry partners to refine the model and make it more widely available.
Hilton Hotels & Resorts
- Partnering with Marine Conservation Society Seychelle, the Rwanda Safe Water Project, Clean the World and WaterAid.
- Offers meeting and event planners an option for Carbon Neutral Meetings that support sustainable development projects, reduce carbon emissions, and protect the environment.
- Set a goal to cut waste, including food waste, 50% by 2030 and to reduce water use intensity 50% by 2030. Hilton is implementing 20 context-based water stewardship pilots in areas of top water risk.
IHG Hotels & Resorts
- IHG Hotels & Resorts’ Green Engage platform charts energy use and emissions for hotels and evaluates the best energy reduction opportunities.
- First hotel company to commit to replacing bathroom miniatures with full size amenities, estimated to divert 850 tonnes of waste from land.
- IHG Hotels & Resorts’ Sustainable Supplier Questionnaire assesses the environmental credentials of suppliers and is mandatory for all new suppliers.
- In support of its commitment to decarbonization, IHG developed the Hotel Energy Reduction Opportunity (HERO) Tool for individual hotels to create customized hotel energy conservation measure plans.
The Hertz Corporation
- Assists corporate customers in meeting climate disclosure obligations and supports their decarbonization strategies by providing account-level greenhouse gas emission reports. This information also helps customers develop roadmaps to achieve their emissions reduction targets. Hertz supports efforts to implement sustainable travel policies with tens of thousands of EVs available for rent at more than 750 Hertz locations across 38 states.
- Assembling a diverse fleet of EVs at a range of price points adding charging capacity to its locations, and supporting new public charging infrastructure through partnerships with major energy companies. Hertz Electrifies, a new public-private partnership, aims to bring EVs and charging to U.S. cities, create educational and training opportunities for high-quality jobs, and engage with local organizations to extend the benefits of electrification to underserved communities.